Saturday, October 23, 2010

Papers From The Not So Distant Past

Today, it’s about paper from the not so distant past.  It seems wherever I go, I can’t leave without a postcard, a box of note cards, even gift tags.  They make great souvenirs and I can’t resist them.  Many of them come from museums, an inexpensive way to own art. My favorites might be the handmade cards I bought from a lady at our local high school craft fair.  Sometimes I have a recipient in mind and these mementos are sent out right away.  Usually, I admire them for a few days before adding them to my previously found treasure.  They’re filed in a box, in no particular order until the day I need a thank you card or the mad urge to communicate via snail mail comes upon me.  I admit this happens less often than it did before I could communicate with anyone at the drop of a hat  by email, cell,  and more recently, Facebook.                                     
The mad urge has struck! I know it’s old fashioned but this week, if I have a mailing address for you, you’re getting a handwritten hello.  Write back soon. 


Saturday, October 16, 2010

When In The World Are We?



I’m a time traveler.  I don’t have a DeLorean (Back To The Future), a disease (The Time Traveler’s Wife) , or a T.A.R.D.I.S. (Dr. Who),  to aid me in my journeys.  My means of transportation are books, movies, museums, and old stuff.

My favorite book with time travel at its core is H.G. Wells, The Time Machine.  In its pages I met the peaceful Eloi, the brutal Morlocks and glimpsed the fate of our planet.
I love A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, by Mark Twain.  While visiting a castle in England, the protagonist suffers a blow to the head.  When he wakes up he’s-you guessed it-in King Arthur’s Court.  If you’ve seen the many bad movies based on this book, please forget them and treat yourself to a great read. 
When my kids were small, we belonged to a book club featuring “The Magic Treehouse” series by Mary Pope Osborne. I think I was more excited than they were when a new title was delivered.
                                                     illustration courtesy of 

There are so many:   A wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L ‘Engle.  This was a banned book which automatically makes it a must read.  Lightning by Dean Koontz.  I haven’t read this one but my DH says it’s good.   Also on my “To Read” list- Time and Again by Jack Finney.  This comes highly recommended by my favorite book reviewer, Kathleen Wylie-Willis.

I’ll leave the movies, museums, and old stuff for another day.  I’m off to the kitchen to make Apple Cheddar  Scones.